Our Services

Created in God’s Image
:: Individual Retreat

This is a retreat for those seeking solitude, prayer and reflection. Individuals are encouraged to seek God’s face to discern how God is present in their lives. Each day retreaters meet with a spiritual leader in order to share, seek guidance, reassurance, discernment, and affirmation toward developing a deeper and intimate relationship with God. Healing/Reconciliation workshops are incorporated so that retreaters are able to begin the process of forgiveness and move forward in their spiritual journey.

And the Two Become One
:: Couples Retreat

The Couples Retreat is for husbands/wives who desire to withdraw from the responsibilities of daily life to reflect, renew and recommit to marriage. Couples will have an opportunity to engage in discussion and fellowship to encourage continual relationship building, effective communication, and spiritual growth. Couples meet each day with a spiritual leader in order to share, seek guidance, reassurance, discernment and affirmation. Retreats are also available to couples who are engaged and desire pre-martial counseling.

God’s Work,Our Hands
:: Urban Immersion Retreat

Urban Immersion Service Retreats are for individuals and small groups who desire to be immersed and serve in urban communities. This retreat model provides a community tour, overview of poverty sources, indicators, and community needs. Retreaters will have an opportunity to serve those in need; understanding that helping those in need is “God’s work using our hands.” Retreat participants are encouraged to apply their service learning experiences to address poverty issues within other communities.

Contact Us!

Call us to schedule your next retreat.